Board of Education Responsibilities

Board Responsibilities

The Tawas Area Schools Board of Education consists of seven school district residents elected by citizens of the school district community to represent their interests in matters relating to the school district.

The Board establishes policy, approves the budget, adopts goals and authorizes various school programs consistent with state and federal laws governing public education.

The School Board Members are trustees primarily charged with the vision, budget, goals and policy for all children in the District. Any operational or staffing issues should be directed first to the person most able to address the problem (e.g. the teacher or building principal).  If the issue has not been resolved at the building level then contact the appropriate Central Office administrator.

Sarah Danek, Superintendent, and the administrative staff are responsible for the execution of these policies.  The Superintendent is appointed by the Board to act as the Board's chief executive officer in administering its policies in school operation.  The Superintendent is a paid employee and is responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the school district on a day-to-day basis.

Minimum Expectations of a Tawas Area School Board Member:

  • Attend two Board Meetings per month;
  • Attend appointed committee meetings;
  • Remain active in Tawas Area Schools District Activities

Encouraged, but not required:

  • Earn Michigan Association of School Boards certification within one year (a minimum of 9 classes);
  • Attend the Michigan Association of School Boards conference each year;
  • Attend Iosco County Area School Board Association meetings quarterly

School Board Election

Board members are elected to 4-year terms.  Terms of office are staggered on even numbered election years creating at least three open board seats each board election year.  Any registered voter in the school district may run for election to the board.  Members are elected at large from the total school community.