
Please find the Continuity of Service Plan on the homepage of our website for our families to review. If you have any questions regarding the plan, please contact Mr. John Klinger at 989.984.2250 or at
Tue Dec 20 08:25 AM
COVID-19 General Exposure Notification
Latest Mask Mandates
Prevent the Spread:
- Stay home if you are sick, and advise others to do the same.
- Always cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and warm water are not available.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (phones, computers, keyboards, desks, etc.).
Tawas Schools Covid-19 Dashboard
This COVID-19 Dashboard will provide our Families as well as the Community members with transparency regarding all known School associated COVID cases. The Webpage will be updated frequently through coordination with the Health Department NO. 2. in order to provide public notice regarding new and cumulative COVID-19 counts.
NOTE: Students and staff members that have been identified as close contacts of any school associated cases will be notified individually and directly by Tawas Admin and/or the Health Department No. 2.
We will continue to utilize School Messenger to inform families of any situation that warrants an interruption or transition from our regularly scheduled instruction.
Tawas Area Schools thanks you for your ongoing support and continued patience during these uncertain times.