Transportation Department
- At this time, due to bus shortages and overcrowding, we are NOT issuing bus passes to friends or other entities. The ONLY exceptions are babysitter changes. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Tawas Area Bus Schedule
This is a list of the route schedules for the 2023-24 school year for Tawas Area Schools. These are approximate times and places. Please have students at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is expected to arrive. Please note that some routes have been eliminated and your bus or time may have changed. A note to other motorists: When you see YELLOW flashing lights on a bus, this means you should slow and stop at least 20 feet away from the bus and remain stopped until the RED lights are turned off.
Our Pick-up and Drop-off policy remains the same. Students will only be dropped off where they are picked up unless they have a permanent day care provider, or if the parent has made other arrangements with the school. This does eliminate non-school related, occasional babysitter, birthday parties, going to a friend’s house, etc... If there is a change to your child’s schedule all requests must be in writing unless there are extenuating circumstances that develop during the school day.
First day for students will be August 28, 2024. A reminder to Parents and Day Care providers of Kindergarten and Young 4 students, we expect someone to be at the bus stop when your child is dropped off. We would like to thank everyone for your cooperation in keeping the children safe on the bus and at the bus stop.